Topic: Personalization

In most of the exercises you will be asked to substitute your name in one or more of the transactions. This is done to make it harder for unscruples students to steal your work. The general rule that you should follow is: Use both your first and last name unless otherwise directed.

In the sample transaction below shows a spot where you can personalzie the exercise. When you are creating the name field for this transaction you should replace the phrase Your Name with Bob Smith if that were your name.

Example of a Personalization Spot

Some Prompts Where You Replace With Both of Your Names (Bob Smith)

  1. Your Name (First and Surname)
  2. Your Last Name, First Name
  3. Your Actual Name
  4. Your Full Name
  5. Your Name
  6. A - Your Name  (In this case you should leave the A -  in and add your first and last name. This is normally done in places where your name will be sorted  - like in payroll exercises)

Some Prompts Where You Replace With Only One Name (Bob or Smith)

  1. Your Last Name (Sirname) - Smith
  2. You First Name (First) - Bob
  3. Your Town (In this case use the town where your college branch is located. If the location is two words like Campbell River or Maple Ridge, put one space between the two parts)

Happy Personalizing

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