Ch 04 - Correcting Entries and Sales Taxes in Canada

Step Activity Links
Open the MB Study Guide you stored in your OneDrive and use the CH04 tab to record information as you read Chapter 4. Submit when completed. MB-Ch04 Study Guide Assignment
This is your mini-lecture for chapter 4. Enjoy... Chapter 4 Mini-Lecture
Complete assignments 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 12 and check your answers against the Chapter 4 Answer Keys. No cheating now. (;>) Chapter 4 Answer Keys, 1-2, 3-4 7-8 and 10
In this chapter you will continue the KBC Decorating CO. Case Study. Attach the modified files to assignment MB-Ch04 KBC. MB-Ch04 KBC
To test your knowledge and prove that you have read Chapter 4 take this EOC Test. MB-Ch04-EOC Quiz Assignment